425 State Ave NE Olympia, WA 98501 | Mon-Fri 8am-5pm |Call: (360) 357-7422
Text: (503) 320-3950
At the first indication of a transmission problem, you'll want to be proactive about getting to the shop. By acting quickly, you may be able to prevent the issue from escalating to the point that very expensive repairs are needed. At Lloyd's Automotive & Transmission Specialists, our local mechanics can accurately diagnose your transmission problem and then flawlessly fix it. Give us a call if you notice any of the following signs of a transmission issue.
A clear-cut sign of transmission trouble is that gears are slipping. This could occur if pollutants in transmission fluid are impeding the fluid's flow, preventing there from being enough hydraulic pressure to keep the car in gear. Getting your transmission fluid exchanged could remedy this issue, though there's also a chance that you'll need more complex work to be done by a transmission specialist.
It's a good idea to check your transmission fluid once a month so that you're more likely to become aware when transmission problems are brewing. Typically, transmission fluid should be checked with the car still running because this fluid tends to contract as the engine cools, which could give you a misleading understanding of how much fluid you're actually driving with. If your transmission dipstick indicates that your fluid level has gotten particularly low, then you could have a leak. It's very important to fix transmission fluid leaks as soon as possible. If you wait, then very expensive problems could develop. Also, if you check the fluid and it looks dark or smells burnt, then it'll be best to have a transmission specialist conduct an inspection.
For those who drive a stick, there are signs of clutch trouble that you'll want to watch out for. If you have difficulty putting your manual transmission into gear, then you could be dealing with a clutch master cylinder problem. Grinding in your clutch could mean you have a throw out bearing that is damaged. You may also have a clutch problem if your clutch pedal feels sticky or spongy.
When you need transmission repair in Olympia, contact Lloyd's Automotive & Transmission Specialists at 360-357-7422. At our local auto shop, we can expertly complete any of your vehicle's repair or maintenance needs. Feel free to give our Olympia transmission shop a call today to schedule an appointment!